Social finance and access to housing Impact evaluation for Solifap

In 20 years, property prices have risen 4 times faster than gross household income. Faced with this reality, Solifap is carrying out the mission entrusted to it by the Fondation Abbé Pierre and AG2R: to step up the fight against inadequate housing. Thanks to the solidarity savings of private individuals and institutional investors, Solifap gives its partners the means to produce housing for those who are excluded. To mark its 10th anniversary, and with a view to improving its impact, the organisation wanted to conduct a study to assess its action. How and why does it work? What avenues should be pursued to make solidarity finance more effective in the fight against inadequate housing? These are questions that Archipel&Co are passionate about, and we set out to answer them when we were entrusted with the task.

Support in two stages

Upstream, methodological choices.

In order to structure the evaluation process, Archipel&Co first worked on a methodological recommendation: which study framework? What indicators should be used? What tools? This was a necessary step, which enabled us to identify the approach specific to the sector of activity, at the crossroads of solidarity finance and housing :
- a study to be carried out with the various stakeholders: the structures supported (associations, SSE companies, cooperatives), the people housed, the areas developed.
- Quantitative as well as qualitative indicators: number of homes and people housed, satisfaction rates according to specific criteria: location, energy quality, comfort, etc.

In action: a study and a report.

The study was conducted over a period of several months, and a report was produced in collaboration with the Extra agency. Extracts: 
- nearly 100 structures were supported through funding and advisory services
- 4,000 people have seen their housing conditions improve
- with a positive impact on the region and the environment, thanks to energy-efficient housing in the heart of towns and cities.
Faced with a housing shortage situation that is getting worse by the day, Solifap appears to be a "little ray of sunshine" that just needs to shine a little brighter to change the paradigm. Let's hope that the distribution of this report will encourage more solidarity investors to support responsible and inclusive housing.